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弹出 允许你自定义任何内容,但从那时起你必须自己维护配置和脚本。如果你有许多类似的项目,这可能会让人望而生畏。在这种情况下,我们建议不要弹出,而是 fork react-scripts 和你需要的任何其他包。此本文 深入介绍了如何做到这一点。你可以在 这个问题 中找到更多讨论。

¥Ejecting lets you customize anything, but from that point on you have to maintain the configuration and scripts yourself. This can be daunting if you have many similar projects. In such cases instead of ejecting we recommend to fork react-scripts and any other packages you need. This article covers how to do it in depth. You can find more discussion in this issue.