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一些流行的库在其文档中使用 decorators

¥Some popular libraries use decorators in their documentation.

Create React App 目前有意不支持装饰器语法,因为:

¥Create React App intentionally doesn’t support decorator syntax at the moment because:

  • 这是一个实验性的提案,可能会发生变化(事实上,它已经改变过一次,并且还会再次改变)。

    ¥It is an experimental proposal and is subject to change (in fact, it has already changed once, and will change again).

  • 大多数库目前仅支持该提案的旧版本 - 这永远不会成为标准。

    ¥Most libraries currently support only the old version of the proposal — which will never be a standard.


¥However in many cases you can rewrite decorator-based code without decorators and achieve the same result.


¥Please refer to these two threads for reference:

当规范推进到稳定阶段时,Create React App 将添加装饰器支持。

¥Create React App will add decorator support when the specification advances to a stable stage.